Evaluation of the paradoxical sphincter contraction by a strain/ squeeze index in constipated patients 使用strain/squeeze指数评估便秘患者的肛门括约肌异常收缩
Paradoxical modulation of tendon tap reflex during voluntary contraction in Parkinson's disease 帕金森病随意收缩时腱反射调节异常
34.78% patients had paradoxical contraction of internal sphincter during defecation. 模拟排便时,功能性便秘组34.78%的患者在直肠收缩时伴有肛管括约肌的矛盾收缩。
Paradoxical anal sphincteric contraction in digital rectal examination and paradoxical anal sphincteric pressure rising in ARM during straining might be valuable in judging the presence of outlet obstruction ( P0.001). 肛门直肠指检力排时肛门括约肌反向性收缩和ARM力排时肛门括约肌压力反相性升高对判断有无出口梗阻很有意义(P0.001);